

LACE - First Nations Focus

Project Description

Hello Cool World created a unique transmedia campaign for BC Cancer Agency. The first of its kind to use social media, short film, and grassroots outreach, LACE Campaign (Live Aware, Create Empowerment) turned the tables on the world of ‘ribbon’ branding, and made Pap tests fun (or at least not so bad). In 2011, we received an Award of Excellence in Health Promotion from the BC Medical Association.

In 2010, Lee Anne Deneault won our LACE Campaign ad contest with a concept from her community based on cards with reasons to get your Pap. We travelled to Q'wemptsín Health Society in Kamloops where we did a photoshoot and a video. The materials we created were used to promote Pap Awareness Week all over BC that year. We made a short video, postcards, posters and even had a full page ad in Chatelaine Magazine. Even though the LACE campaign was meant for all women in BC, we were very pleased to have had a high percentage of First Nations communities sign on.


Project Description

We created the Planetahead.ca original site and concept for Condomania.

Inter Pares Branding

Project Description

We are so proud to have done the branding project for our longterm client Inter Pares, launching a whole new logo and other materials. Informed by a deep process which included a communications audit, market research and workshops with staff as well as interviews with donors, board members and counterparts.

In 2019, we created animated motion logos to feature in Inter Pares' powerful video stories.

The Super Power Project

Project Description

The Super Power Project was a year-long collaboration with WAVAW to do a youth-driven multi-media campaign using workshops, video, art and social media to raise awareness and gender stereotypes and build skills to prevent aquaintance sexual assault. We worked with two groups of youth: Haisla Nation youth from Kitamaat Village, and diverse urban youth from around Vancouver. The project focussed on moving away from the boy = perpetrator, girl = victim stereotypes, and instead looked at how power dynamics affect sexual 'scripts' among dating youth, on "busting the myths", on the warning signs of abuse in a relationship, and on how friends (i.e. 'bystanders') can intervene to produce positive social change.

Full Page Magazine Ads

Project Description

For many of our campaigns we have done a full range of advertising buys, in print, radio, transit, television and bar ads. Here we showcase some of our full-page magazine ads in publications which include Elle, Chatelaine, Macleans, and the Walrus as well as the documentary magazine POV.

LACE - Making Health Fashionable!

Project Description

Hello Cool World created a unique transmedia campaign for BC Cancer Agency. The first of its kind to use social media, short film, and grassroots outreach, LACE Campaign (Live Aware, Create Empowerment) turned the tables on the world of ‘ribbon’ branding, and made Pap tests fun (or at least not so bad). In 2011, we received an Award of Excellence in Health Promotion from the BC Medical Association.

One part of this project entailed doing a fashion shoot and PSA with the tagline: Don't forget what's inside! The ad ran on TV in during Pap Awarness week during the America's Next Top Model. 

Opt- Options For Sexual Health

Project Description

Options for Sexual Health was one of our first clients -- back when they were still Planned Parenthood Association of BC. We leaped at the chance to branding when they decided on a name change. What we love about their new name is how the short form - Opt - is also a word that means what they stand for! Opt for choice, Opt for health.

By My Name

Project Description

"By My Name" was the fourth video in the Star in Your Own Stories workshop series we did in collaboration with Chee Mamuk and First Nations communities, in this case the Nak'azdli band in Ft. St James, BC.

Wise Women

Project Description

Wise Women is a beautifully illustrated booklet that hounours First Nations women and provides empowering information around HIV treatment and prevention. We created this for Chee Mamuk, and it was re-printed and distributed by Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE).


Project Description

Make Prevention Contagious! That was one of our taglines created for ImmunizeBC's story-telling campaigns to boost immunity via vaccinations.
